Level Up Newsletter Arrives In One Week

Life-changing concepts brought right to your inbox

Sam Starkman
2 min readSep 29, 2022
Photo by Olav Ahrens Røtne on Unsplash

The first official Level Up newsletter goes out in just one week!

Join here.

I’m beyond excited to start sharing some life-changing ideas I’ve discovered. In the meantime, I wanted to give you a piece of wisdom I learned from The Almanack of Naval Ravikant:

“Build your character in a certain way, then your character becomes your destiny.”

According to Naval, there are four ways to get lucky.

  1. Hope luck finds you.
  2. Hustle and work hard until you stumble into luck.
  3. Prepare yourself to take advantage when others miss an opportunity.
  4. Become the best at what you do, and luck will seek you out.

The first three rely on external factors and hope that, well, you get lucky. While it’s possible you can still find success, nine times out of ten, your “luck” will run out.

The fourth method is where you find true success. If you are the best, luck will find you, and opportunities will be served on a silver platter.

The example Naval uses is a perfect case of luck seeking you out.

Imagine you’re a deep-sea treasure hunter.

You can go on a single expedition, and maybe you’ll find that sunken treasure everyone is looking for. Possible, but unlikely. You’d need to be really lucky.

Instead, maybe you can work hard and search for the treasure every day. Your chances of finding it increase, but you still need luck on your side.

You could also wait for other treasure hunters to explore an area first. Surely they have better knowledge of likely spots for the sunken ship. Maybe they overlooked something, and you can seize their missed opportunity.

Now, let’s say you are the best sunken-ship-treasure-excavator in the world. You have the knowledge, tools, and abilities to successfully bring the treasure from the bottom of the ocean up to the surface.

You won’t need to look for the treasure.

Whoever finds it will need help to extract and restore it.

They’ll come to you.

And that’s the ultimate goal — to build a network and community so strong that luck and success seek you out.

I hope that Naval’s wisdom inspires you as it has done for me, and I look forward to sharing more life skills with you soon.

If you are interested in joining, check out Level Up here.

Stay tuned for the first edition of the Level Up newsletter on October 6th!

— Sam



Sam Starkman

Data Engineer | Writer | Gamer | AI Enthusiast | Follow for psychology hacks, productivity tricks, tech tutorials, and everything else that piques my curiosity.